Eating Behaviors and Physical Activity in Children Aged 7-10 Years
schoolchildren, eating behaviors, food frequency, physical activityAbstract
The aim of the present study was to assess eating behaviors and leisure time physical activity in children aged 7–10 years.The survey was conducted in a group of 107 parents of children attending grades 1–3 of primary school. A self-designed questionnaire was used as a research tool. Statistical analyses were carried out with the use of Spearman’s correlation test and Mann-Whitney U-test, with adopting α = 0,05 as showing significance. The study showed that 65% of children ate breakfast on a daily basis. The majority of pupils ate 4 meals a day. Current recommendations regarding vegetables consumption were followed by 25% of children, regarding fruits – by 32% and regarding fish – only by 10% of children. Over a half of pupils ate sweets at least once a day. Participation in leisure time physical activity on a daily basis was recorded only in 16% of children, whilst 48% of children were engaged in physical activity 2–3 times a week. As the results of the study indicated, children’s eating behaviors were mostly improper. Participation in leisure time physical activity was found to be low. These factors could adversely affect children’s development.References
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[26] Krenc, Z., Wosik-Erenbek, M., 2011, Analysis of Nutrition, Nutritional Habits and Physical Activity in Younger Children in Relation to Prevention of Civilization Diseases, Nowa Pediatria, 2, pp. 23–27.
[27] Marcysiak, M., Zagroba, B., Ostrowska, B., Wiśniewska, E., Marcysiak, M., Skotnicka-Klonowicz, G., 2010, Physical Activity Versus Nutritional Habits of Children and Teenagers in Ciechanów District, Nursing Topics, 18(2), pp. 176–83.
Remove [1] Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2014, Nutrition Guidance for Healthy Children Ages 2 to 11 Years, Journal of the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114, pp. 1257–1276.
[2] Affenito, S.G., 2007, Breakfast: A Missed Opportunity, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107(4), pp. 565–569.
[3] Bednarek, A., Bednarz, M., 2013, Health Behaviors of Boys and Girls at Younger School Age, Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu, 19(3), pp. 305–312.
[4] Bielaszka, A., Grochowska-Niedworok, E., Kiciak, A., Szczepańska, E., Kadras, M., Całyniuk, B., Zimna-Dańczyk A., 2014, Nutrition Preferences of Children Ages 7-10, Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis, 68(4), pp. 187–191.
[5] Boniecka, I., Michota-Katulska, E., Ukleja, A., Czerwonogrodzka, A., Kowalczyk, E., Szczygłowska, A., 2009, Nutritional Behaviors of Chosen Group of School Children in Aspect of Obesity Risk, Przegląd Lekarski, 66, pp. 1–2, 49–51.
[6] Cooper, S.B., Bandelow, S., Nevill, M.E., 2011, Breakfast Consumption and Cognitive Function in Adolescent Schoolchildren, Physiology & Behavior, 103, pp. 432–439.
[7] Ćwirlej, A., Walicka-Cupryś, K., Gregorowicz-Cieślik, H., 2005, Motor Activity of Children Aged 10 in Free Time, Przegląd Medyczny Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 3, pp. 262–266.
[8] Dymkowska-Malesa, M., Walczak, Z., Zakrzewski, J., 2014, Evaluation of the Level of Fish Consumption Among Students in Grades 4–6 of Primary Schools in Koszalin, Problemy Higieny i Epidemiologii, 95(1), pp. 182–185.
[9] Hamułka, J., Gronowska-Senger, A., 2000, Evaluation of Children’s Diet in Selected Primary Schools from South-eastern Poland, Polish Journal of Human Nutrition and Metabolism, XXVII (suppl.), pp. 176–181.
[10] Hamułka, J., Gronowska-Senger, A., Witkowska, K., 2000, Energy Value and Frequency Breakfast Intake in Warsaw Primary Schools, Annals of the National Institute of Hygiene, 51(3), pp. 279–290.
[11] Kohl, H.W., Craig, C.L., Lambert, E.V., Inoue, S., Alkandari, J.R., Leetongin, G.L., Kahlmeier, S., 2012, The Pandemic of Physical Inactivity: Global Action for Public Health, The Lancet, 380, pp. 294–305.
[12] Kołłajtis-Dołowy, A., Matysiak, E., Boniecka, I., 2007, Nutritional Habits of One Selected Group of 11–12 Years Old Children from the City of Białystok, ŻYWNOŚĆ. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, 6(55), pp. 335–342.
[13] National Food and Nutrition Institute, 2016, Pyramid of Healthy Eating and Physical Activity, Warsaw, 15 June 2016,
[14] Piernas, C., Popkin, B.M., 2010, Trends in Snacking Among U.S. Children, Health Affairs, 29(3), pp. 398–404.
[15] Pitucha, A., Metera, A., 2013, Characteristics of Eating Habits and Physical Activity in the Early School-aged Child in the Góra Puławska, Zeszyty Naukowe WSSP, 17, pp. 67–85.
[16] Powell, L.M., Nguyen, B.T., 2013, Fast Foods and Full-service Restaurant Consumption among Children and Adolescents: Impact on Energy, Beverage and Nutrient Intake, JAMA Pediatrics, 167(1), pp. 14–20.
[17] Sadowska, J., Zakrzewska, A., 2010, The Estimation of Frequency and Energy Value of Breakfasts Intake by Pupils in Elementary and Grammar Schools in Piła, Annals of the National Institute of Hygiene, 61(4), pp. 413–418.
[18] Stefańska, E., Falkowska, A., Ostrowska, L., 2012, Selected Nutritional Habits of Children and Teenagers Aged 10–15 Years, Annals of the National Institute of Hygiene, 63(1), pp. 91–98.
[19] Szczepańska, E., Szeja, N., Szymkiewicz, A., Kowalska, A., Biruta, L., Bulwicka, A., 2014, Eating Behaviors of Middle and Secondary School Pupils from the Upper Silesian Region in Poland, Annals of the National Institute of Hygiene, 65(4), pp. 337–344.
[20] World Health Organization, 2011, Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health: 5–17 Years Old, 10 June 2016,
[21] Wuenstel, J.W., Wądołowska, L., Słowińska, M.A., Niedźwiedzka, E., Kowalkowska, J., Antoniak, L., 2015, Consumption Frequency of Fruit Juices and Sweetened Beverages: Differences Related to Age, Gender and the Prevalence of Overweight among Polish Adolescents, Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Science, 65(3), pp. 211–221.
[22] Zielińska, M., Gajda, K., Hamułka, J., 2014, Assessing Food Selection of Warsaw Primary School Students during Their School Stay in Context of Eating Breakfast, Forum Zaburzeń Metabolicznych, 5(4), pp. 187–195.
[23] Kołodziejczyk, M., 2007, Consumption of Fish and Fishery Products in Poland – Analysis of Benefits and Risks, Annals of the National Institute of Hygiene, 58(1), pp. 287–293.
[24] Kostecka, M., 2014, Adequate Nutrition of Children at Early School Age as Essential Element of Prevention of Civilization Diseases, Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu, 20(2), pp. 208–213.
[25] Kotyrba, J., Wróblewska, I., 2014, The Analysis of Dietary Behavior of Third to Fourth Grade Primary School Children, Puls Uczelni, 8(3), pp. 11–15.
[26] Krenc, Z., Wosik-Erenbek, M., 2011, Analysis of Nutrition, Nutritional Habits and Physical Activity in Younger Children in Relation to Prevention of Civilization Diseases, Nowa Pediatria, 2, pp. 23–27.
[27] Marcysiak, M., Zagroba, B., Ostrowska, B., Wiśniewska, E., Marcysiak, M., Skotnicka-Klonowicz, G., 2010, Physical Activity Versus Nutritional Habits of Children and Teenagers in Ciechanów District, Nursing Topics, 18(2), pp. 176–83.
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