Attitudes and behaviours regarding of children practising tennis sport towards health-promoting products
health-promoting products, schoolchildren, nutritional attitudes and preferencesAbstract
The main aim of the research was an evaluation of attitudes and dietary behaviours of the chosen group of children practising tennis sport towards functional foods. The empirical examination was conducted using questionnaire of the survey form in which the questions concerning the evaluation of postures of children were placed (positive, indifferent and negative) towards particular food products and the possible frequency of eating them. Food products taken into consideration in the examination were divided in four groups: juices and drinks, dried fruit and vegetables, bars with fruit and vegetables and cookies, wafers and the cereal. It has been shown that pupils of secondary schools more often presented positive attitudes towards chosen health-promoting products ranked among the comfortable and functional food than pupils of primary schools. Dietary behaviours of children at the age of 10-14 were characterized by a small frequency of eating health-promoting products presented in the examination.References
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