Transport of animals from the standpoint of the optimisation of meat quality and sustainable consumption
animal transport, trade in livestock, meat quality, animal welfare, meat shelf lifeAbstract
The paper presents assumptions related to the implementation of sustainable development in logistics, which result from the need to protect the environment which is subject to systematic degradation. The concepts presented in this paper are aimed to both reduce the impact of negative factors on the environment and optimise transport costs.The paper also discusses the topics of sustainable consumption and meat quality. Attention was drawn to the problem of animal welfare contained in the so-called ’5 freedoms’. Information on meat defects is also included, as well as information on livestock skin injuries and transport-related animal mortality. As a result of an analysis of literature on this topic, it was found that transportation is still extremely stressful for animals despite advances in transportation technology. An analysis of the collected material led to the conclusion that meat quality depends on many factors, with transport being the critical point that drastically lowers its level.References
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