Assessment of sensory quality of selected fruit and cereal bars Beata BorkowskaJoanna Opolska
fruit and cereal bars, sensory assessmentAbstract
The paper demonstrates an assessment of sensory quality of fruit and cereal bars from selected producers that are available on the retail market. The following three flavour varieties of fruit and cereal bars were selected for examination: banana-chocolate, nutchocolate, with raisins in chocolate. The sensory assessment was carried out using a 5-point scale method with the use of a specially grade master card on the PN-V-74026:2003 and literature. The sensory assessment concluded that among the banana-chocolate and raisins in chocolate bars the best score was attained by the bars produced by a producer (A), and in the case of nut-chocolate flavour, the bars of producer (C) were given the highest grade.References
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