The effect of black pepper degree fragmentation on its hygroscopic properties with using selected models of sorption
black pepper, water activity, sorption isotherms, model BET and GABAbstract
: The grinding of pepper to expand its surface and as a result may occur to increase the dynamics of surface phenomena conditioned by interaction with water vapor. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of grinding of black pepper on its hygroscopic properties perceived as an essential factor for the stability of the storage. The study included determination of adsorption isotherms at 20°C by the static-desiccator method, identify the parameters of the adsorption process and the microstructure of the particle surface by means of theoretical models of sorption and Kelvin equation. Adsorption isotherms of ground pepper samples tested were characterized by a sigmoid shape typical of porous surfaces on which there is a multilayer adsorption leading to capillary condensation. Empirically determined isotherms of adsorption were well-described by model GAB, which was characterized by a wide range of empirical data to fit the theoretically determined values and high accuracy. Numerical designated parameters of GAB model evaluated and compare the parameters of the microstructure surface of the tested samples of pepper. Diversified fineness of black pepper does not cause a significant variation of its hygroscopic properties.References
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