Antioxidant properties of high quality black teas available on the e-commerce market
black tea, antioxidant activities, color, e-commerce marketAbstract
The aim of the publication was to determine the antioxidant activity of high-quality black teas from selected crops in India, Nepal, Rwanda and Turkey purchased on the e-commerce market. The color parameters were also marked in the CIE L*a*b* system and compared to the total polyphenols content. In addition, using the results of principal components, an attempt was made to qualitatively classify analyzed teas. Regarding the parameters, the studied samples of tea could be classified as high-quality teas as an average content of polyphenols in all of the infusions ranged from 335,32 mg GAE/100 ml to 534,57 mg GAE/100 ml. The highest content of polyphenols was determined in samples of tea from Rwanda and it was significantly higher in relation to others, particularly those from India and Nepal that were described as the highest quality products. Despite the moderate degree of the linear correlation between studied parameters, the linear relationship could not be determined with the statistically significant accuracy between these variables.References
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[21] Zuo, Y., Chen, H., Deng, Y., 2002, Simultaneous Determination of Catechins, Caffeine and Gallic Acids in Green, Oolong, Black and Pu-erh Teas Using HPLC with a Photodiode Array Detector, Talanta, no. 57, s. 307–316.
Remove [1] Chan, E.W.C., Lim, Y.Y., Chew, Y.L., 2007, Antioxidant Activity of Camellia Sinensis Leaves and Tea from a Lowland Plantation in Malaysia, Food Chemistry, no. 102, s. 1214–1222.
[2] Chung, K.T., Wong, T.Y., Wei, C.I., Huang, Y.W., Lin, Y., 2010, Tannins and Human Health: A Review, Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., no. 998, s. 421–464.
[3] Dang, M.V., 2005, Soil-plant Nutrient Balance of Tea Crops in the Northern Mountainous Region, Vietnam, Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., no. 105, s. 413–418.
[4] Dmowski, P., 2014, Czynniki wpływające na decyzje zakupowe konsumentów na rynku herbat ekologicznych dostępnych w sprzedaży internetowej, „Marketing i Rynek”, nr 6, s. 126–136.
[5] FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, [dostęp: 12.02.2017].
[6] Forbes, 21.01.2014, Przegoniliśmy Japonię,, artykuły,169841,1,1.html [dostęp: 15.02.2017].
[7] GUS, 2011, Rocznik statystyczny handlu zagranicznego, Zakład Wydawnictw Statystycznych, Warszawa.
[8] GUS 2016, Rocznik statystyczny handlu zagranicznego, Zakład Wydawnictw Statystycznych, Warszawa.
[9] Hara, Y., 2011, Tea Catechins and Their Applications as Supplements and Pharmaceutics, Pharmacol. Res., no. 64, s. 100–104.
[10] Horžić, D., Komes, D., Belščak, A., Kovačević, Ganić, K., Iveković, D., Karlovic, D., 2009, The Composition of Polyphenols and Methylxanthines in Teas and Herbal Infusions, Food Chem., no. 115, s. 441–448.
[11] Kusano, R., Matsuo, Y., Saito, Y., Tanaka, T., 2015, Oxidation Mechanism of Black Tea Pigment Theaflavin by Peroxidase, Tetrahedron Letters, no. 56, s. 5099–5102.
[12] Nakano, T., 1998, Influence of Plucking Position on Yield and Quality of Tea in Mechanically-Plucked Tea Bush, Tea Res. J., no. 86, s. 11–17.
[13] Okinda Owuor, P., Obanda, M., Nyirenda, H.E., Mandala, W.L., 2008, Influence of Region of Production on Clonal Black Tea Chemical Characteristics, Food Chemistry, no. 108, s. 263–271.
[14] Özdemir, F., Gökalp, H.Y., Nas, S., 1993, Effects of Shooting Period, Times within Shooting Periods and Processing System on the Extract, Caffeine and Crude Fiber Contents of Black Tea, Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch., no. 197, s. 358–362.
[15] Pasquet, R., Karp, I., Siemiatycki, J., Koushik, A., 2016, The Consumption of Coffee and Black Tea and the Risk of Lung Cancer, Annals of Epidemiology, no. 26, s. 757–763.
[16] Perera, G.A.A.R., Amarakoon, A.M.T., Illeperuma, D.Ch.K., Muthukumarana, P.K.P., 2015, Effects of Raw Material on the Chemical Composition, Organoleptic Properties, Antioxidant Activity, Physical Properties and the Yield of Instant Black Tea, LWT – Food Science and Technology, no. 63, s. 745–750.
[17] Sujith Kumar, P.V., Basheer, S., Ravi, R., 2011, Comparative Assessment of Tea Quality by Various Analytical and Sensory Methods with Emphasis on Tea Polyphenols, J. Food Sci. Technol., vol. 48, no. 4, s. 440–446.
[18] Tan, J., Engelhardt, U.H., Lin, Z., Kaiser, N., Maiwald, B., 2017, Flavonoids, Phenolic Acids, Alkaloids and Theanine in Different Types of Authentic Chinese White Tea Samples, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, no. 57, s. 8–15.
[19] Wee, J., Moon, J., Park, K., 1999, Catechin Content and Composition of Domestic Tea Leaves at Different Plucking Time, Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., no. 31, s. 20–23.
[20] Yener, S., Sanchez-Lopez, J.A., Granitto, P.M., Cappellin, L., Mark, T.D., Zimmermann, R., Bonn, G.K., Yeretzian, Ch., Biasiol, F., 2016, Rapid and Direct Volatile Compound Profiling of Black and Green Teas (Camellia sinensis) from Different Countries with PTR-ToF-MS, Talanta, no. 152, s. 45–53.
[21] Zuo, Y., Chen, H., Deng, Y., 2002, Simultaneous Determination of Catechins, Caffeine and Gallic Acids in Green, Oolong, Black and Pu-erh Teas Using HPLC with a Photodiode Array Detector, Talanta, no. 57, s. 307–316.
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