Attempt of Rooibos and Honeybush Identification Based on the Beverages Color Parameters
rooibos, honeybush, sensory evaluation, color parameters, identificationAbstract
Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) and honeybush tea (Cyclopia species), are the products coming from South Africa, that due to their organoleptic features and antioxidant properties are gaining increasing popularity among the Polish consumers. Due to the high similarity, these products are very often confused, and both consumers and sellers have problems in distinguishing them. Therefore, the aim of the paper is the attempt to differentiate rooibos and honeybush infusions based on the consumer evaluation of color of the beverages and color parameters measured in the CIEL*a*b* system. On the basis of the obtained results, statistically significant differences in the consumer color assessment of infusions were found. The results presented in this paper indicate that the samples of rooibos were very similar and were characterized by more intensive brick, red and brown color than honeybush. However, it was shown that the values of the color parameters measured in the CIEL*a*b* system do not allow for clear differentiation of rooibos and honeybush beverages.References
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