skin care cosmetics, low temperature drying, chokeberry, TEWL, physicochemical propertiesAbstract
The purpose of the study was to develop recipes and create skin care masks based on Aronia Melanocarpa Fruit Powder, obtained by an innovative low-temperature drying method, and to evaluate the physicochemical and functional properties of such products.
It was noted that as the concentration of fruit powder in the tested formulations increased, the value of dynamic viscosity increased, while the yield point decreased. It was found that an increase in the concentration of plant powder in the formulation caused a change in the saturation and hue of the analysed masks towards red and yellow. After application of the developed masks to the skin, TEWL decreased, with the lowest value recorded for the mask with the highest concentration (0.5%) of Aronia Melanocarpa Fruit Powder.
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