Assessment of Sodium Chloride Content in Smoked Mackerels Purchased in Large Retail Chains
smoked mackerel, salt content, smoking, recommended intake, producer's declarationAbstract
Hot smoked mackerel is characterized by delicate and aromatic meat and is the source of the nutritional value. The Polish Standard permits the content of table salt in these products at the level of 1.5-3%. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended consumption of sodium chloride per person per day is less than 5 g, however, most people consume too much salt. The aim of the research was to determine the content of sodium chloride in hot smoked mackerel from three different producers. Compliance with the declared salt content was found in 15% of fish from producer A, in 16.7% of products from producer B and in 27.3% of fish from producer C. The PN-85/A-86772 requirements for smoked fish from producers A, B and C were met respectively by: 70%, 41.7% and 40.1% of the tested mackerel [PN-A-86772:1985]. The salt content exceeding the recommended by the WHO daily limit of this component contained 4.5% of analyzed fish.References
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Remove [1] Bilgin, F., Ünlüsayin, M., Izci, L., Günlü, A., 2008, The Determination of the Shelf Life and Some Nutritional Components of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata l., 1758) after Cold and Hot Smoking, Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 32(1), s. 49–56.
[2] Dybkowska, E., Świderski, F., Waszkiewicz-Robak, B., 2014, Spożycie ryb a ryzyko wystąpienia raka prostaty, Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej, 68, s.1199–2005.
[3] Egbal, O.A., Hawa, T.A., Kalthom, E.M., 2013, Investigating the Quality Changes of Hot Smoked Clarias lazera at Refrigerated Temperature (5±1°C), Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 1(3), s. 27–32.
[4] Gormley, R., 2013, Fish as a Functional Food: Some Issues and Outcomes, SeaHealth-ucd, 9A,
[5] James, Ch., Derrick, S., Purnell, G., James, S.J., 2013, Final Report Review of the Risk Management Practices Employed Throughout the Fish Processing Chain in Relation to Controlling Histamine Formation in At-Risk Fish Species, FRPERC, The Grimsby Institute of Further & Higher Education (GIFHE), Grimsby, Linednshire, UK,¬na¬gement.pdf.
[6]Jeyasanta, K.I., Giftson, H., Saritha, K., Patterson, J., 2015, Studies on the Nutritional and Microbiological Quality of Smoked Tuna Fish (Auxis thazard) in Tuticorin, South East Coast of India, International Journal of Food Quality and Safety, 1, s. 28–38.
[7] Krełowska-Kułas, M., 1993, Badanie jakości produktów spożywczych, PWE, Warszawa.
[8] Kunachowicz, H., Nadolna, I., Przygoda, B., Iwanow, K., 2005, Tabele składu i wartości odżywczej żywności, Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warszawa, s. 159–165.
[9] Liem, D.G., Miremadi, F., Keast, R.S.J., 2011, Reducing Sodium in Foods: The Effect on Flavor, Nutrients, 3, s. 694–711.
[10] Odoli, O.C., Van Nguyen M., Sveinsdottir, K., Jonsson, A., Tomasson, T., Thorkelsson, G., Arason, S., 2015, Influence of Smoking and Packaging Methods on Lipid Stability and Microbial Quality of Capelin (Mallotus villosus) and Sardine (Sardinella gibossa), Food Science & Nutrition, 3(5), s. 404–414.
[11] PN-A-86772:1985, Przetwory rybne wędzone. Wspólne wymagania i badania.
[12] Pop, I.M., Frunză, G., 2015, Study on the Nutritional Quality of Marinated and Smoked Mackerel (Scomber scomber), Scientific Papers-Animal Science Series: Lucrări Ştiinţifice – Seria Zootehnie, 65, s. 143–147.
[13] Salt reduction, 2016, June,
[14] Seafood study 2015. Opinie i perspektywy: konsumpcja ryb wśród Polaków, 2015, Norwegian Seafood Council, Tromsø, Norwegia.
[15] Traczyk, I., Jarosz, M., 2011, Spożycie soli zalecenia i programy WHO oraz UE, Przemysł Spożywczy, 65(5), s. 18–21.
[16] Usydus, Z., Szlinder-Richert, J., 2016, Ryby i przetwory rybne na polskim rynku – wartość odżywcza i walory prozdrowotne, w: Psuty I. (red.), 95-lecie Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego: aktualne tematy badań naukowych, t. III, Produkty i przetwórstwo rybne, MIR – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Gdynia, s. 19–34.
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