Method of Determining the Time Constant of Thermocouple Based on Measurement of the Quick – Changing Temperatures of Exhaust Gases in Marine Diesel Engines
marine diesel engine, thermocouple type K, temperature of exhaust gas, time constantAbstract
The article presents issue of determining the time constant of thermocouple. The importance of dynamic properties of thermocouples during experiments was indicated. This paper presents the laboratory stand where experiments were made to determine the time constants of two types of thermocouples. Three methods of calculating this parameter were presented. The value of the time constant was determined by the numerical simulation of heat transfer between thermocouple’s weld and the surrounding exhaust gases, assuming the slow – changing of the process, namely transition from the steady state to the other. In the next step this parameter was calculated for the same transition but it was based on real and quick – changing temperature of exhaust gases, recorded during the experiment on laboratory stand. As the third method there was shown determining the value of time constant for the temporary conditions, for quick – changing temperature, recorded during the experiment, for the pseudo-periodic process within the duration of the cycle of engine. At the end, a comparison and evaluation of the calculation results was made, and the usefulness of the method of determining the time constant of thermocouples.References
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