Evaluation of the stability of the storage of selected fruit and vegetables freeze-dried powder based on the characteristics of the sorption properties
fruit and vegetables freeze-dried powders, sorption isotherm, BET, storage stabilityAbstract
A BET equation was used to mathematically interpret the course of water vapor sorption isotherms. Sorption isotherms of tested samples of lyophilisates in powder were characterized The aim of the study was the analysis of the storage stability of selected freeze-dried vegetables and fruit powders based on the characteristics of sorption properties. Analysis of the evaluation of sorption properties was done with static-desiccation method and determining the sorption isotherms in a wide range of environmental water activity aw = 0.07–0.93. by a sigmoidal shape typical of porous surfaces, on which multilayer adsorption leading to capillary condensation occurs. On the basis of the conducted tests, it was found that the product IV – lyophilisate of blueberry was characterized by a higher storage stability.References
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