Effect of Mains Communication Voltage on Induction Motors
interharmonics, power quality, cage induction motor, mains communication voltage, ripple control, voltage waveform distortionsAbstract
Power system lines are not only used for electric energy transfer, but also for the transmission of a communication signal, called the mains communication voltage. The mains communication voltage is in the form of a telegram code, superimposed on the fundamental voltage harmonic. From the point of view of power quality, mains communication voltage should be considered as interharmonics – components of frequency being not equal to the integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. Interharmonics have a negative impact on various energy receivers, including rotating machinery. This study is devoted to the effect of the mains communication voltage on an induction motor. The results of numerical computations on currents and electromagnetic torque pulsations are presented for a four-pole cage induction motor of rated power 3 kW.
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