Evaluation of the Process of Condensation of Water Vapour in the Presence of Deposits Using a Single Pipe in the Heat Exchanger of a Condensing Power Plant as an Example
steam power plants, heat exchangers, deposits of heat transfer surfaces, steam condensationAbstract
Additional thermal resistance caused by deposits accumulating on the heat exchange surfaces of condensers and in the regenerative exchangers of steam power plants most often results in a deterioration in the heat exchange process, which manifests itself, amongt other things, in a reduction in the thermal power of a given heat exchange device and an increase in the working pressure on the steam side. Moreover, such deposits sometimes form irregularities with a diverse geometric structure, hence the description of the water vapour condensation process is not always easy to interpret due to the coexistence of many phenomena at the same time. The article describes selected theoretical issues regarding the presence of deposits on heat exchange surfaces and presents the results of the author’s own experimental research on heat transfer in the process of condensing water vapour on an example of a single pipe with deposits taken from the heat exchanger of a steam condensing power plant.
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