The slide broaching burnishing and the influence of deformation on roughness of 314L stainless steel sleeves
burnishing broaching, finishing, hard machinable materials, austenitic steelAbstract
The paper is intended to inform the reader of the effectiveness of the technological burnishing process utilizing a three burnishing broach mandrel for the inner finishing of cylinder surfaces. The burnishing tools were constructed out of 40HM steel, and the burnishing broach tool was secured in a Hydraulic Press MX-340G. The mechanism of slide burnishing broaching consists of prepared burnishing mandrel pushers with diameters Ø17 mm. The sleeves were designed to achieve a reduction ratio in burnishing of 0.3 mm to 0.5 mm. Here, slide burnishing was conducted in two passes, (down and then up). The burnishing was performed at a constant rate of feed and with the same force for all samples. In the thesis, classifications and characteristics of burnishing with conditions of process parameters and the used instrumentation are presented.References
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