Project of universal test stand for underwater vehicles’ thrusters
thrusters, ROV, test stand, propellers, propulsionAbstract
This article presents the design and implementation of the next stage of research conducted as part of the design and construction of an underwater inspection robot. Its purpose was to create a universal test stand for testing the parameters of underwater robots’ thrusters. Factors taken into account when constructing the station were, among others, the possibility of cavitation and its impact on the strength of the device's thruster system, as well as noise pollution of the underwater environment. The sensor system in which the dynamometer is equipped will automatically acquire a number of readings that will allow the design of propulsors to be tested taking into account many parameters. The collected data is sent and analysed using microcontrollers and dedicated, custom-written software. The proposed solution will accelerate and automate research work and allow quick modifications of the mathematical model for describing the underwater vehicle propulsion module.References
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