Use of numerical methods in investigation of probability distribution of disturbing signals


  • K. M. Noga Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Morska 81–87, 81-581 Gdynia, Wydział Elektryczny, Katedra Automatyki Okrętowej, Gdynia, Poland


radio communication channel, measurements, distribution of envelopes


The paper presents results of investigations of distribution of the envelope of a signal emitted in the real urban environment. Rician and Nakagami distributions are considered in the analysis. The investigation is aimed to obtain information about statistical properties of transmitted signal. The parameters of analyzed distribution are counted. The histograms of the envelope of signals were also presented.


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Remove [1] Abdi, A., Kavesh, M., 2000, Performance Comparison of Three Different Estimator for the Nakagami-m Parameter Using Monte Carlo Simulation, Communications Letters, IEEE, vol. 4, s. 119–1121.

[2] Cheng, J., Beaulieu, N., 2001, Maximum-likelihood Based Estimation of the Nakagami-m Parameter, Communications Letters, IEEE, vol. 5, no. 3, s. 101–103.

[3] Matlab – the Language of Technical Computing, version R2012a.

[4] Noga, K.M, Studański, R., 2016, Estimation of Nakagami distribution parameters in describing a fading radio-communication channel, Scientific Journal of Polish Naval Academy, no. 1(204), s. 69–81, Gdynia.

[5] Studański, R., Noga, K.M., 2016, Wyznaczanie rozkładu obwiedni sygnału transmitowanego w warunkach statycznych, „Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny i Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne”, nr 8–9, s. 995–999.

[6] Wang, N., Song, X., Cheng, J., 2012, Generalized Method of Moments Estimation of the Nakagami-m Fading Parameter, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no 9, s. 3316– 3325.

[7] Wojnar, A., 1988, Teoria sygnałów, WNT, Warszawa.



How to Cite

Noga, K. M. (2017). Use of numerical methods in investigation of probability distribution of disturbing signals. Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, (98), 202–209. Retrieved from


