Practical aspects of using radar in maritime navigation with analysis of its potential errors and limitations
radar, ARPA, closest point of approach (CPA), time for closest point of approach (TCPA), bow crossing rage (BCR), bow crossing time (BCT), radar blind sectors, true motion, relative motion, true vectors, relative vectors, sea stabilised mode, ground stabilised mode, parallel indexing (PI)Abstract
In this article, the author will try to explain the basic principles of the practical focus of using radar in maritime navigation, analysing its potential errors and limitations. An attempt will also be made to describe the basic seamanship practice of how to set up the radar, determine the radar blind sectors, calculate the radar position accuracy, generate a basic anti-collision radar report, calculate CPA, TCA, BCR, BCT etc., and verify the effectiveness of a trial anti-collision manoeuvre by using the radar in the different radar modes when navigating in restricted sea areas.References
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