Voltage stability and control tap changer of power transformer
voltage stability, OLTC, voltage regulation, regulators, electric power systemAbstract
The paper presents the basic concepts associated with the stability of the voltage. The influence of regulating transformer on the voltage stability. Developed guidelines for the regulator tap changer due to a critical decrease in the supply voltage stability.References
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[2] Brusiłowicz, B., Rebizant, W., Szafran, J., 2011, A New Method of Voltage Stability Margin Estimation Based on Local Measurements, APAP 2011, Conference, Beijing, vol. 1790, s. 2443–2447.
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[9] Vu Khoi, Begovic, M., Novosel, D., Saha, M.M., 1999, Use of Local Measurements to Estimate Voltage Stability Margin, IEEE Transactions Power Syst., vol. 14, no. 3.
[10] Wiszniewski, A., 2007, New Criteria of Voltage Stability Margin for the Purpose of Load Shedding, IEEE Transactions Power Delivery, vol. 22, no. 3, s. 1367–1371.
[11] Wiszniewski, A., Rebizant, W., Klimek, A., 2010, Intelligent Voltage Difference Control Maintaining the Voltage Stability Limit, Proceedings of the 43th CIGRE Session, Paris, France.
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