The Problem of Carrying Insufficiently Optimal Gassing-up Operation after Tanks Inerting with Reference to Ethylene Carriers


  • A. Wieczorek Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Wydział Mechaniczny


gassing-up, inerting, cascade cycle


The paper describes a very crucial problem of carrying insufficiently optimal gassing-up process on ethylene carriers before cooling the cargo during its transport by the sea. At the beginning cascade system of the cargo reliquefaction plant has been described along with its parameters of work. The impact of nitrogen presence on ethylene cascade cycle’s technical work and cooling capacity has been preceded by the detailed depiction of cargo handling operations – tank inspection, inerting and gassing-up. All operations have been circumscribed in terms of oversized amount of ethylene cargo loss, which, in turn, allows to draw a conclusion that gassing-up operation is performed in insufficiently optimal way.


Cool Pack 1.50.

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How to Cite

Wieczorek, A. (2017). The Problem of Carrying Insufficiently Optimal Gassing-up Operation after Tanks Inerting with Reference to Ethylene Carriers. Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, (100), 179–186. Retrieved from


