Spectroscopic Study and Analysis of the Content of Residue Elements in Marinol RG 1240 Oil after Working in Various Types of Engines
engine oil, marine oil, degradation process, spectrometry, trace elements, oil analysis, contaminationAbstract
During exploitation, the engine oil undergoes the irreversible aging process that is – degradation. The speed of this process is affected by many factors such as high temperature, pressure, power output, oxygen from the air, mechanical shear forces, type, structure, and technical condition of the engine, time and conditions of work and also used fuel. In the article, the author shows that also the purpose of the engine influences the degradation of the engine oil. Using the method of optical emission spectrometry in accordance with ASTM D 6595 standard, the concentration of trace elements like: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Ti, V, Zn, was determined. The samples of engine oil – Marinol RG 1240 were checked after various periods of use in three different engine types Cegielski – Sulzer.References
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[2] Aucelio, R.Q., 2007, The Determination of Trace Metals in Lubricating Oils by Atomic Spectrometry, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. 62(9), s. 952–961.
[3] Henning, P., Walsh, D., Yurko, R., Barraclough, T., Shi, A., Yuegang, Z., 2014, Oil Analysis Handbook for Predictive Equipment Maintenance, Spectro Scientific, https://www.spectrosci. com/ industry-segments/in-service-lubrication-analysis-spectro-scientific/.
[4] Jakóbiec, J., Budzik, G., 2007, Czynniki mające wpływ na stopień degradacji oleju silnikowego w okresie eksploatacji Archiwum Motoryzacji, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PTNM, nr 3.
[5] Kastelik, M., 2011, Monitoring stanu oleju silnikowego a prognozowanie stanu maszyn, Studies & Proceedings of Polish Association for Knowledge Management, vol. 46, s. 131–145.
[6] Krupowies, J., 2001, Badania pierwiastków śladowych w oleju obiegowym jako element diagnostyki silnika, Wyższa Szkoła Morska w Szczecinie, Szczecin.
[7] Krupowies, J., 2002, Badanie zmian właściwości oleju obiegowego okrętowych silników pomocniczych, Studia nr 40, Wyższa Szkoła Morska w Szczecinie, Szczecin.
[8] Krupowies, J., 2006, Analiza zmian własności użytkowych olejów smarowych firmy BP w czasie ich eksploatacji, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, nr 10(82), Explo-Ship. Szczecin, s. 309–317.
[9] Ludema, K.C., 1996, Friction, Wear, Lubrication: A Textbook in Tribology, CRC Press.
[10] Malinowska, M., 2016, Assessment of the Degree of Deterioration of Trunk Piston Engine Oil Used in the Engine 6 AL20/24, Journal of KONES, vol. 23, no. 4, s. 319–326.
[11] Pelitli, V., Doğan, Ö., Köroğlu, J., 2017, Waste Oil Management: Analyses of Waste Oils from Vehicle Crankcases and Gearboxes, Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, vol. 3(1), s. 11–20.
[12] Rose, D.J., 1991, Analysis of Antioxidant Behavior in Lubricating Oils, PhD Thesis, School of Chemistry, University of Leads.
[13] Sanz-Segundo, C., Hernández-Artiga, M.P., Hidalgo-Hidalgo De Cisneros, J.L., Bellido-Milla, D., Naranjo-Rodriguez, I., 1999, Determination of Wear Metals in Marine Lubricating Oils by Microwave Digestion and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Mikrochimica Acta, Austria, vol. 132, s. 89–94.
[14] Wolak, A., Janocha, P., 2015, Zmiany właściwości użytkowych olejów silnikowych w warunkach eksploatacji – analizy FTIR, Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna FORGAZ, „Nowoczesne środki smarowe do specjalistycznych zastosowań w urządzeniach przemysłowych, transporcie i komunikacji”, Prace Naukowe Instytutu Nafty i Gazu – PIB, nr 201, Kraków, s. 84–104.
[15] Zali, MA., Ahmad, WKW., Retnam, A., Catrina, N., 2015, Concentration of Heavy Metals in Virgin Used Recovered and Waste Oil: A Spectroscopic Study, Environmental Forensics, Procedia Environmental Sciences, vol. 30, s. 201–204.
[16] http://www.lotosoil.pl/resource/show/14718.pdf.
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