Analysis of Distribution of Cutting Forces during Variable Treatment Conditions of Shafts Made of Stainless Steel
cutting forces, stainless steel, finish turningAbstract
One of the greatest problem of modern production techniques is the achievement of an appropriate quality at minimal costs and accompanied by the production efficiency increase. During finish treatment the final dimensions as well as functional properties are imparted to a given element by application of proper treatment type. The paper presents the results of influence of changing treatment conditions on the value of the cutting forces during cutting process. The turning process of shaft pins ? 59 mm in diameter, made of X5CrNi18-10 stainless steel was carried out on a CDS6250BX-1000 universal lathe. The turning process was conducted by a cutting tool with CCMT09T302WF, CCMT09T304WF and CCMT09T308WF replacable inserts. The measurement of cutting forces during turning was recorded using a DKM 2010 dynamometer.References
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