Sea Influence on Safe Realisation of Passage Plan in Navigationally Difficult Area
vessel's drift, course over ground, safety of navigationAbstract
The work is an attempt to analyze the real influence of ocean and tidal currents on the course of the planned voyage. The purpose was to check how accurately the behavior of the ship can be predicted by using the information available on the navigational charts and in Admiralty Tide Tables. The vessel's drift in the area was taken into account to ensure that the depth and distance to shore and shoals were adequate. Dead reckoning and observed positions were plotted on navigational charts, compared and the actual drift of the vessel was determined and compared with the expected values based on data from Admiralty Tide Tables and navigational charts of the region.References
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[9];3961969.html, 20.04.2017.
[10];3989746.html, 20.04.2017.
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