Selected Aspects of the Adaptive Escape Route Designation System for Buildings


  • C. Specht Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Morska 81-87, 81–225 Gdynia, Wydział Nawigacyjny, Katedra Geodezji i Oceanografii
  • M. Mierzejek Poldukt Projekt, Gdynia


evacuation routes, adaptive system, optimization


The publication analyzes the legal and technical aspects of the designation of escape routes in buildings. It was noted that evacuation routes are fixed in them and do not take into account the variable in time (time of the day, day of the week, etc.) of the number of people staying in various parts of buildings, essentially related to their utility functions. Therefore, the authors proposed the concept of an adaptive escape route designation system in buildings that would in real time take into account the current location of people in them.


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How to Cite

Specht, C., & Mierzejek, M. (2017). Selected Aspects of the Adaptive Escape Route Designation System for Buildings. Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, (102), 96–110. Retrieved from


