Analysis of Application Possibilities of RFID Technology in Road Transport


  • T. Neumann Akademia Morska w Gdyni, al. Jana Pawła II 3, 81-345 Gdynia, Wydział Nawigacyjny, Katedra Nawigacji


radiofrequency identification, containers, transportation, road transport safety


The paper presents examples of practical use of RFID technology in road transport and there are also proposed solutions to help manage the transport process. The principles of operation of these systems have been discussed and the benefits of using them have been demonstrated.


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Remove [1] Assaf, M.H., Williams, K.M., 2011, RFID for Optimisation of Public Transportation System, 2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, s. 407–412.

[2] Bentyn, Z., 2014, Odporność globalnych łańcuchów dostaw na zmiany otoczenia gospodarczego, Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka, nr 5, s. 44–56.

[3] Bolic, M., Simplot-Ryl, D., Stojmenovic, I., 2010, RFID Systems: Research Trends and Challenges, John Wiley & Sons.

[4] Kathawala, Y., Tueck, B., 2008, The Use of RFID for Traffic Management, International Journal of Technology, Policy and [5] Management, no. 8.

[5] Lai, F., Hutchinson, J., Zhang, G., 2005, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in China: Opportunities and Challenges, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, no. 33(12), s. 905–916.

[6] Masse, D., 2004, RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification Second Edition, Microwave Journal, no. 47(10), s. 168–169.

[7] Neumann, T., 2016, The Shortest Path Problem with Uncertain Information in Transport Networks, w: Challenge of Transport Telematics, Mikulski, J. (ed), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer International Publishing, Katowice – Ustroń, s. 475–486.

[8] Neumann, T., 2017, Fuzzy Routing Algorithm in Telematics Transportation Systems, w: Smart

[9] Solutions in Today’s Transport, Mikulski, J. (ed.), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer International Publishing, Katowice – Ustroń, s. 494–505.

[10] Niemojewski, P., 2007, Wprowadzenie do technologii RFID. Płatności bezstykowe – dziś i jutro, Medien Service, Warszawa.

[11] Surmacz, N., 2017, Technologia RFID w transporcie drogowym, praca inżynierska, Akademia Morska w Gdyni.

[12] Szczuka, M., 2015, RFID Technology, as Object of Researches in a Group of Young People, Research in Logistics & Production, no. 5(2), s. 201–209.

[13] Wang, W., Fan, S., 2009, RFID Technology Application in Container Transportation, Joint Conferences on Pervasive Computing (JCPC), s. 639–642.

[14] Waśniewski, T., Czarnecki, M., Marcinkowska, A., Szymańska, M., 2015, Zastosowanie technologii RFID w logistyce miejskiej, Systemy Logistyczne Wojsk, nr 42, s. 204–220.



How to Cite

Neumann, T. (2017). Analysis of Application Possibilities of RFID Technology in Road Transport. Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, (102), 44–60. Retrieved from


