Protein Content in Various Kinds of Cheeses Available on the Market
ripened rennet cheeses, processed cheeses, cheese-like products, protein, Kjeldahl methodAbstract
The aim of the study was to determine the total protein content of selected ripened rennet cheese, processed cheese, and cheese-like products available in a retail chain in Lublin. A total of 23 kinds of cheese made from cow milk were tested, including 16 ripened rennet cheeses, 4 processed cheeses, and 3 cheese-like products. Protein content was determined in each sample by the Kjeldahl method. Among all the cheeses tested the processed cheeses were the poorest source of protein (from 8.07 to 9.06%). Ripened rennet cheeses had the highest content of this protein, particularly one of the Emmentaler cheeses (29.20%). In no case was a significant difference noted between the protein content obtained and the value stated by the manufacturer, which indicates that labelling of products is reliable in this regard.References
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[23] PN-EN ISO 8968-1:2004, Mleko – Oznaczanie zawartości azotu – Część 1: Metoda Kjeldahla.
[24] Salque, M., Bogucki, P., Pyzel, J., Sobkowiak-Tabaka, I., Grygiel, R., Szmyt, M., Evershed, R.P., 2013, Earliest Evidence for Cheese Making in the Sixth Millennium BC in Northern Europe, Nature, vol. 493, s. 522–525.
[25] Sałacki, K., 2011, Sery podpuszczkowe dojrzewające, Przegląd Mleczarski, nr 8, s. 40–41.
Remove [1] Aljewicz, M., Kowalska, M., Cichosz, G., 2010, Wartość odżywcza i biologiczna wyrobów seropodobnych oraz analogów sera, Przegląd Mleczarski, vol. 12, s. 4–10.
[2] Aljewicz, M., Cichosz, G., Kowalska, M., 2011, Produkty seropodobne, analogi serów topionych i dojrzewających, Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, vol. 78, nr 5, s. 16–25.
[3] ARR, 2016, Rynek mleka i produktów mleczarskich, Biuro Analiz i Programowania Agencji Rynku Rolnego, 11, Warszawa, s. 1–12.
[4] Brachmann, H.P., 2011, Cheese Analogues: a Review, International Dairy Journal, vol. 11, s. 505–515.
[5] Brickley, C.A., Auty, M.A.E., Piraino, P., McSweeney, P.L.H., 2007, The Effect of Natural Cheddar Cheese Ripening on the Functional and Textural Properties of the Processed Cheese Manufactured Therefrom, Journal of Food Science, vol. 72, s. 483–490.
[6] Chojnacka, U., 2015, Analogi: W trybie analogowym, Forum Mleczarskie Handel, vol. 70, nr 3, s. 64–66.
[7] Chyłek, D., 2007, Włoskie produkty regionalne i tradycyjne. Cz. I, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Przemysł Spożywczy, nr 5, s. 30–32.
[8] Cichosz, G., 2006, Probiotyczne pałeczki mlekowe – zastosowanie w serowarstwie, Przegląd Mleczarski, nr 10, s. 4–8.
[9] El-Bakry, M., Sheehan, J., 2014, Analysing Cheese Microstructure: A Review of Recent Developments, Journal of Food Engineering, vol. 125, s. 84–96.
[10] FAO, 2017,
[11] Fox, P.F. (red.), 2000, Fundamentals of Cheese Science, Aspen Publishers Incorporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
[12] Fox, P.F., McSweeney, P., 2004, Cheese: an Overview, w: Fox P.F. et al. (eds.) Cheese – Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, vol. 1. Academic Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, s. 1–25.
[13] GUS, 2016, Rocznik statystyczny rolnictwa, Warszawa.
[14] Hickey, D.K., Kilcawley, K.N., Beresford, T.P., Sheehab, E.M., Wilkinson, M.G., 2006, The Influence of a Seasonal Milk Supply on the Biochemical and Sensory Properties of Cheddar Cheese, International Dairy Journal, vol. 16, s. 679–690.
[15] Hladká, K., Randulová, Z., Tremlová, B., Ponízil, P., Mancík, P., Cerníková, M., Bunka, F., 2014, The Effect of Cheese Maturity on Selected Properties of Processed Cheese without Traditional Emulsifying Agents, LWT – Food Science and Technology, vol. 55, s. 650–656.
[16] IERiGŻ-PIB, 2017, Rynek mleka. Stan i perspektywy.
[17] Kycia, K., 2005, Wykorzystanie wszystkich białek mleka do produkcji sera topionego, Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, vol. 43, nr 2, s. 133–146.
[18] Lucey, J.A., Johnson, M.E., Horne, D.S., 2003, Perspectives on the Basis of the Rheology and Texture Properties of Cheese, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 86, s. 2725–2743.
[19] Marszałkowska-Jakubik, J., 2011, Żółty plasterek zdrowia, Przegląd Mleczarski, nr 8, s. 18–19.
[20] Messens, W., Estepar-Garcia, J., Dewettinck, K., Huyghebaert, A., 1999, Proteolysis of High-Pressure-Treated Gouda Cheese, International Dairy Journal, vol. 9, no. 11, s. 775–782.
[21] Nelson, B.K., Barbano, D.M., 2005, Yield and Aging of Cheddar Cheeses Manufactured from Milks with Different Milk Serum Protein Contents, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 88, no. 12, s. 4183–4194.
[22] Piska, I., Stetina, J., 2004, Influence of Cheese Ripening and Rate of Cooling of the Processed Cheese Mixture on Rheological Properties of Processed Cheese, Journal of Food Engineering, vol. 61, s. 551–555.
[23] PN-EN ISO 8968-1:2004, Mleko – Oznaczanie zawartości azotu – Część 1: Metoda Kjeldahla.
[24] Salque, M., Bogucki, P., Pyzel, J., Sobkowiak-Tabaka, I., Grygiel, R., Szmyt, M., Evershed, R.P., 2013, Earliest Evidence for Cheese Making in the Sixth Millennium BC in Northern Europe, Nature, vol. 493, s. 522–525.
[25] Sałacki, K., 2011, Sery podpuszczkowe dojrzewające, Przegląd Mleczarski, nr 8, s. 40–41.
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