Influence of Supply of Gas Fuel Marine Engines on Value of Energy Efficiency Design Index on the Example of Selected Container Ship
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships MARPOL 73/78, heavy fuel oil (HFO), gas fuel (LNG), Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)Abstract
The goal of the paper is to pay attention to the problem of emission of toxic compounds e.g. NOx, SOx and CO2 from seagoing ships to environment. The VI Amendment to MARPOL Convention concerning prevention against air pollution by seagoing ships, brought into practice in May 19th 2005, forced ship owners to use means for reduction of environment harmful substances emission to atmosphere. One of tools enabling realisation of above mentioned regulations is compulsory implementation of Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). The paper presents way of its calculation, for propulsion plant of designed container ship, in case of supplying engines with heavy fuel (HFO) and LNG fuel. This way there was underlined important influence of fuel burned on value of the efficiency index, and subsequently on level of pollutants emission.References
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BIMCO EEDI Calculator,
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