Analysis of Operation of the Maritime Reference Station in Świnoujście as a Basis for Creating the Instrument Docking System (IDS)
e-Navigation, precise navigation, docking, Instrument Docking System (IDS), Portable Pilot Units (PPU), Real Time Kinematic (RTK), pilots systems, International Docking System Standard (IDSS)Abstract
Navigating large vessels in the confined waters (coastal/approach and harbour) is everything but trivial. Due to heavy vessel traffic, vicinity of navigational hazards, limited water depth, rapidly changing navigational circumstances, and tremendous weight of the vessels, navigating, mooring and docking activities are demanding and stressful for the pilots. Stress usually leads to increased tiredness, risk of human error and thus to a larger number of incidents and accidents. Marine pilots are more tired and less effective. In the temperate zones there is an additional factor to be considered: poor visibility. This article presents a practical application of the GNSS RTK technology in the electronic chart and situational awareness system as well as the concept of the Instrument Docking System (IDS) for vessels, which in its purpose and fundamental elements is similar to the Instrument Landing System (ILS) for aircrafts).References
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