Comparative Analysis of Low Temperature Pyrolysis Products of Selected Plastics in a Low Pressure Reactor – Preliminary Research
pyrolysis, plastics, waste, pyrolysis reactors, pyrolysis oilAbstract
The article presents a comparative analysis of selected products resulting from the low-temperature pyrolysis process for selected plastic waste. The analysis was carried out for two different groups of waste. The first one concerned waste HD-PE from group 2, while the second one was mixed waste, i.e. PP, PS, HD-PE, LD-PE and multi-material packaging. A low-pressure reactor with a direct cooling system for hydrocarbon vapors of own design was used to produce the test samples. The presented analysis in the article showed the usefulness of products such as gas or oil, resulting from low-temperature pyrolysis and the possibility of using this method to dispose of this waste in a safe and environmentally friendly way.References
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